Personal Affirmations

Vase with vibrant red and yellow flowers.

Affirmations are a good way to build your resiliency. If you are trying affirmations be sure they are personal to you. When you connect with them they can support you with your goals, your aspirations and help you in your mindfulness. If you would like to work on affirmations write them down, say them to yourself or say them out loud and settle into the support they offer you. Here are some examples for you:

I am grateful for

I allow myself to relax and enjoy this season.

I am open to new experiences that this month brings.

I am confident in my ability to achieve my goals.

I release any stress or worries and embrace a positive mindset during this month.

I am deserving of self-care and relaxation, and I prioritize my well-being.


Everyone Needs a Silly Moment Here and There

